A number of Members of Commission III of the House in charge of the law gives the prosecutor's response to the planned mendeponir Bibit S Riyanto and Chandra M Hamzah.
Members of the Prosperous Justice Party, Nasir Djamil, said the Attorney General should first seek advice and opinions of the state power bodies concerned.
"In principle we do not discuss any steps taken by the Attorney General, an important step does not create new problems," Nasir said when contacted, Monday, October 25, 2010.According to him, deponir was the implementation of the principle of opportunity that can only be done by the Attorney General, but after looking at the suggestions and opinions of the state power agencies that have a relationship with that problem. "The advantage that deponir done, there is no reason to litigate it again to face trial," he said.
Nasir hopes, the Attorney General's strong legal foundation so that no longer exists if the prosecutor's office issued a legal polemic deponir. But opinions differ with the opinion of Nasir Vice Chairman of Commission III, who is also from the MCC, Fahri Hamzah.
Fahri Hamzah assess prosecutorial step out deponir inappropriate. According to him, deponir it implies a complete file (p-21), mean seed-Chandra considered legally and convincingly guilty. "It means she was the suspect and position him as the suspect had confessed. When it is concerned also acknowledge the consequences should not be served again as head of the KPK office," said Fahri, Monday, October 25, 2010.
Fahri judge, granting deponir tantamount to float legal cases Seed-Chandra. Deponir a settlement in nonyudisial. The suspect was found guilty, but prosecutions ruled out so it does not enter the court.
According to him, not just a personal two KPK leaders was a hostage, but the institution KPK. "That's a terrible problem. So, therefore, actually returned to the private seed and Chandra and his lawyer," he said.
Fahri opinion, should Seeds-Chandra chose to go to trial. According to him, the court is the proper means to dismantle the engineering that has been a polemic.
Vice Chairman of Commission III of the Golkar Party, Aziz Shamsuddin, also agree with Fahri. According to him, the House will reject in its consideration. "A strange thing in law enforcement policies adopted by the Attorney General, if that's true. And we will be starting in the deliberations in the legislature," said Aziz.
Politicians Gerindra Junaidi Desmond Mahesa assess prosecutorial efforts deponir issue now is the wrong step. According to him, the move was delayed because when the case was supposed to be the center of public attention.
"Deponir it back to the Triassic politics, the House will be involved (requested consideration), and the House of Representatives does not necessarily agree," said Desmond who previously was a lawyer by profession.
According to Desmond, Seed-Chandra should be brave to go to trial. How is it the best choice to dismantle, good or no engineering and weaken efforts to KPK.
"If this effort to undermine the KPK is illustrated why not face the court to dismantle engineering it. If I do, I will refuse deponir and face in court," he said.
Gaius Lumbuun, member of Commission III of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, said, deponir is the right of the Attorney General. "Therefore, it needs to be tested whether the Acting Attorney General had a right to it," said Gaius who is also professor of law.
Gaius stated, the reason deponir also is in the public interest, state and society. "And for the sake of which, Facebookers no longer support, the public is no longer cried out for termination such as when the last," said Gaius.
Thus, the right is, says Gaius, the case proceed to trial. If the evidence is not enough, prosecutors could sue free. "That was never done when Udin case in Central Java. So it was not the first time," said Gaius.
Chairman of Commission III of the House Benny Harman said any decision of the Attorney-Chandra Seeds must be respected. "Whatever decisions are taken, the domain of the Attorney General. We ask all parties, the President should not be carried to intervene in this matter. Let the Attorney General who has taken a decision according to law and sense of justice," said Democratic politicians.
Members of the Prosperous Justice Party, Nasir Djamil, said the Attorney General should first seek advice and opinions of the state power bodies concerned.
"In principle we do not discuss any steps taken by the Attorney General, an important step does not create new problems," Nasir said when contacted, Monday, October 25, 2010.According to him, deponir was the implementation of the principle of opportunity that can only be done by the Attorney General, but after looking at the suggestions and opinions of the state power agencies that have a relationship with that problem. "The advantage that deponir done, there is no reason to litigate it again to face trial," he said.
Nasir hopes, the Attorney General's strong legal foundation so that no longer exists if the prosecutor's office issued a legal polemic deponir. But opinions differ with the opinion of Nasir Vice Chairman of Commission III, who is also from the MCC, Fahri Hamzah.
Fahri Hamzah assess prosecutorial step out deponir inappropriate. According to him, deponir it implies a complete file (p-21), mean seed-Chandra considered legally and convincingly guilty. "It means she was the suspect and position him as the suspect had confessed. When it is concerned also acknowledge the consequences should not be served again as head of the KPK office," said Fahri, Monday, October 25, 2010.
Fahri judge, granting deponir tantamount to float legal cases Seed-Chandra. Deponir a settlement in nonyudisial. The suspect was found guilty, but prosecutions ruled out so it does not enter the court.
According to him, not just a personal two KPK leaders was a hostage, but the institution KPK. "That's a terrible problem. So, therefore, actually returned to the private seed and Chandra and his lawyer," he said.
Fahri opinion, should Seeds-Chandra chose to go to trial. According to him, the court is the proper means to dismantle the engineering that has been a polemic.
Vice Chairman of Commission III of the Golkar Party, Aziz Shamsuddin, also agree with Fahri. According to him, the House will reject in its consideration. "A strange thing in law enforcement policies adopted by the Attorney General, if that's true. And we will be starting in the deliberations in the legislature," said Aziz.
Politicians Gerindra Junaidi Desmond Mahesa assess prosecutorial efforts deponir issue now is the wrong step. According to him, the move was delayed because when the case was supposed to be the center of public attention.
"Deponir it back to the Triassic politics, the House will be involved (requested consideration), and the House of Representatives does not necessarily agree," said Desmond who previously was a lawyer by profession.
According to Desmond, Seed-Chandra should be brave to go to trial. How is it the best choice to dismantle, good or no engineering and weaken efforts to KPK.
"If this effort to undermine the KPK is illustrated why not face the court to dismantle engineering it. If I do, I will refuse deponir and face in court," he said.
Gaius Lumbuun, member of Commission III of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, said, deponir is the right of the Attorney General. "Therefore, it needs to be tested whether the Acting Attorney General had a right to it," said Gaius who is also professor of law.
Gaius stated, the reason deponir also is in the public interest, state and society. "And for the sake of which, Facebookers no longer support, the public is no longer cried out for termination such as when the last," said Gaius.
Thus, the right is, says Gaius, the case proceed to trial. If the evidence is not enough, prosecutors could sue free. "That was never done when Udin case in Central Java. So it was not the first time," said Gaius.
Chairman of Commission III of the House Benny Harman said any decision of the Attorney-Chandra Seeds must be respected. "Whatever decisions are taken, the domain of the Attorney General. We ask all parties, the President should not be carried to intervene in this matter. Let the Attorney General who has taken a decision according to law and sense of justice," said Democratic politicians.
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